
  Members' Current Standings


The Ballot Deadline is midnight, Monday, May 13, 2024.  Balloting is done through the website. * (For instructions on optional paper ballot any payment by check see "*" below.)

You may change your Ballot at any time prior to the Deadline.
Only you can see your Ballot prior to the Deadline.

Ballots are activated and appear in the Rankings, updated Monday mornings, when dues are paid in full. Ballots without payment of dues will not be activated. Dues are $100.00 for Members.We have eliminated  the initiation fee of $25.00 for new Members. A Member who signs up a new Member plays for just $50; a Member who signs up 2 new Members plays for free! Incomplete ballots will be published on the Website as is, but we will make every effort to alert Members whose ballots are incomplete before the Deadline.  After the Deadline, all paid Members' Ballots will be available for inspection on the website, ranked in order of performance standings in each Contest.  All Paid Ballots will be included in the weekly Rankings, allowing Members to compare Ballots with each other. This allows for lots of fun side contests!

In the Batters Contest, any Ballot containing 6 or more Batters + Alternates not meeting the pro-rata minimum number of Plate Appearances will be temporarily disqualified, and will be displayed below the Batters Rankings.  Such Disqualified Ballots are automatically returned to Active Rankings when and if the minimum 10 of 15 Batters + Alternates chosen for that Ballot return to play and attain enough Plate Appearances to meet the pro-rata minimum. Pro-Rata is merely 502 divided by the number of weeks (26) in the regular season.


Select ten (10) batters who, in your opinion, will have the highest batting averages for the season.

The aggregate average of these ten batters will determine weekly, midseason, and end-of-season rankings and prizes. The highest aggregate average, carried to four decimal places, wins.

Select five (5) Alternate Batters who will be used in the order selected.

Alternates will automatically replace any of your regular 10 batters who fail to reach the minimum plate appearances (pro-rated weekly throughout the regular season), as stated below. They are selected in the order you pick them and must meet the minimum plate-appearance standards to be used as an Alternate and for inclusion in the Alternates' Average for tie breaking.

The average of your Alternate Batters (Alternates' Average) that meet the minimum plate appearance standard is the sole tiebreaker for the batting contest and one of several tiebreakers for others.  (See below.) 

Each Batter (Regular and Alternate)  must have a minimum of  502 official plate appearances for the end-of-season Prize. If six (6) or more of a Member's fifteen (15) Batters (10 Regulars plus 5 Alternates) fail to get the 502 minimum plate appearances by the end of the season, that list of Batters will be disqualified. The balance of the ballot is still valid. Grand Prize, $1500.00.  Your name, the year, and your winning average will be engraved on the Three Hundred Club Bowl and it will be presented to you after the season.  You also get a 6 inch Pewter Bowl, similarly engraved, which you get to keep.  Midseason Prize $300 


We award a prize each week for the highest Member's average attained that week. This year, the weekly prize is $50.


Select four (4) home run hitters who, in your opinion, will hit the most homers this season.

Your top three (3) will count; the fourth will be used as the first tiebreaker. The average of your qualified alternate batters is the second tiebreaker. Winner, $300; Midseason Prize $150.


Select four (4) pitchers who, in your opinion, will win the most games this season.

Your top three (3) will count; the fourth will be used as the first tiebreaker. The won-lost average of your pitchers is the second tiebreaker. The aggregate ERA of your pitchers is the third tiebreaker. The average of your qualified alternate batters is the fourth tiebreaker. Winner, $300; Midseason Prize $150.


Select the one hitter who, in your opinion, will have the most RBI's in the major leagues.

You must also select the number of RBI's you expect your hitter to attain.

The Member choosing the correct player closest to the actual result wins. The tiebreaker is the average of your qualified alternate batters. Winner, $300; Midseason Prize $150. If no Member picks the Player with the most RBIs in MLB for the season or at Midseason, the Prize is not awarded.


Select the one base stealer  who, in your opinion, will have the most stolen bases in the major leagues.

You must also select the number of stolen bases your base stealer will steal.

The member choosing the correct player closest to the actual result wins. The tiebreaker is the average of your qualified alternate batters. Winner, $300; Midseason $150. If no Member picks the Player with the most SBs in MLB for the season or at Midseason, the Prize is not awarded.


Select the number of games attained by the player getting the highest consecutive game hitting streak for the season. Consecutive-game hitting streaks from the previous year do not carry over to the next season.

The player need not be chosen, just the number of games. The exact number of games must be picked for the Prize to be awarded. The tiebreaker is the average of your qualified alternate batters. Winner, $250. No mid-season prize.

GENERAL (continued)

Select any major league players that you want. There are no restrictions regarding which team or league to use. You can use all Braves, all domed stadium teams, or all players whose middle initial is S and were born on even Tuesdays in odd months. Only regular season games count, including interleague play. Playoff games, the All Star game, the World Series, and all exhibition games are excluded. N.B.: One-game tiebreaker games to determine who goes to the playoffs, such as Rockies-Dodgers or Brewers-Cubs in 2018, are regular season games, and they count, both in MLB stats and in the Club.

You cannot make any changes to your Ballot after the Deadline. Alternates are included in the order selected only when Batters do not reach the minimum pro-rata Plate Appearances. Any player traded during the season, including those between leagues, will have his statistics for each team added together to get overall results. Statistics are obtained from Major League Baseball.  Prizes will be awarded for weekly, midseason, and end of season results only. Members’ Rankings will be updated weekly (Mondays) after the deadline and posted to the website. Weekly Rankings will be for the sole enjoyment of the Membership. Under no circumstances will Members' names, email addresses, or any other information whatsoever be used for any purpose other than the Club.

On an interpretation of the Rules, or if some event occurs not specifically covered herein, a Three Hundred Club Rules Committee made up of Directors and Coaching Staff members will make the final decision.

*If you really hate computers, you can print out a Paper Ballot via a link at the bottom of the "HOW TO PLAY" button. Please, oh please, print clearly. Paper Ballots must be postmarked no later than Monday May 14, 2024 and mailed with payment to the Club. If paying by check, please make your check payable to "The Three Hundred Club".